Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Easy and cute manicures for the beginners

You don't need to make all kinds of drawings on your nails to get yourself a cute and beautiful manicure.
Some times dots and thin stripes are enough to change your whole manicure .. they're so easy to be done and you don't need to have expert tools to make them.
Here are few advices for you to get yourself the perfect polka dot manicure:
1. Use contrasting colors for the dots ... you want the color to pop up on your base color.
2. If your base color is dark and you want the dots to pop up you need to make them in white first then apply the color you want on top of the white.
3. You don't need to use dotting tools for making your dots ... for small dots use toothpick , for medium dots use different sizes of Bobby pins and for large ones use big rounded pin heads...
4. Try to be creative when doing polka dot manicures .. for example make different sizes of dots and use different colors.  You can even create your own pattern out of dots.

As for stripes:
1. You don't need to have a stripper brush you can make your own out of an old nail polish brush.. use the scissor to make it thinner and use it as a stripper. . You can also use toothpick to make lines and stripes
2. Use different directions for the stipes for example make them horizontal,  vertical or diagonal ones
3. You can use stripping tape to make the perfect stripes as well
4. You can make them thin or thick or whatever size you want
The manicures in the picture are examples of what you can do with stripes and dots and all these manicures were the background for other manicures I've done but they are as beautiful as the other ones
Hope you like this and if you have any questions please leave them in the comment section
Love Roa'

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