Friday, February 20, 2015

Monster nails using flocking powder and Google eyes

So I went shopping the other day with my friend, I wanted to get myself new accessories for my nail designs , we went to a craft store to get some rhinestones and glitters when I came a cross a set of different sizes of Google eyes. I got so excited because I've been looking for some for a very long time.
There is no need to mention that I bought the whole set :'D
Back to the manicure..
I once watched a video on YouTube and I'm really sorry because I don't remember the name of the nailartist who made it .. Anyway she used flocking powder to do a very cute monster manicure so I thought that since I already have flocking powder and now I have these cute Google eyes I can create something crazy by combining both.
I started by painting all my nails white except the ring finger I painted it pink.
Then I made thick pinck stripes in pink
I applied top coat and I waited until every thing dried
I went over the pink stripes with pink one more time and I immediately applied flocking powder on top of them.
I pressed the flocking powder on my nails gently and then I cleaned the access with a small brush.
On my ring finger I applied two coats of pink polish and immediately I applied the flocking powder.
I cleaned the access then I used nail glue to glue the eyes... I drew the mouth in black and by using thin detail brush.
No top coat needed at the end because it will ruin the manicure.

Hope you like it

Love Roa'


  1. I really like it ! I need to try this. I used flocking powder only once and it was a mess, I guess I need to practise more

    1. Thank you so much.. Flocking powder is so easy to use. I watched few tutorials on YouTube first they were very helpful .. I advice you to watch a video for professional DQ channel she did a tutorial for flocking powder nails and it was very helpful for me

  2. This is too cute :) i will have to give this a try!

    1. Thank you so much that would be awesome
